Korean Translation

Winter Olympics 2018 – Translation Services on a Large Scale

Tuesday 16 January, 2018

As a professional translation service based in London, we are extremely excited at the prospect of the Winter Olympics 2018 taking place, this year, in Korea. There are over 200 countries taking part in the games this year, which means there is a huge diversity of languages being spoken.

As both participants and spectators alike travel to Korea, here we look at the types of documents that people may need assistance in having translated from their native tongue. We are able to help you with all aspects of Korean Translations, be it from English to Korean, French to Korean or Polish to Korean, or indeed any other of the over 200 languages travelling to see the Olympics.

Travel Documents & Visa Translations

Before you travel to the Olympics, or indeed anywhere on holiday, it’s good to know that you have all the relevant travel documents translated into the language you understand. You may need to consider documents such as:

  • Passports
  • Visa
  • Tourist Information

Medical Document Translations

It stands to reason that both detailed and accurate medical translations are highly important for the safe treatment of patients. This will be the case when travelling, so if you have an underlying condition and are traveling abroad it makes sense to ensure you have your medical records ready in case they are required while you are away. This will help the medical team / healthcare professionals understand the issues and therefore be able to provide precisely the medical care required.  

It is worth remembering that medical translations do not simply apply to just your medical records, but there are a wide range of elements that may also need translation before you leave on your travels. 

These elements may include:

  • Patient Information Leaflets for your existing medication
  • General Medical Informational Documents
  • Your Medical History
  • If you need Consent Forms in case of medical intervention while away

Confidential Translations

We understand that the nature of your Personal documentation will mean that its content can be of highly sensitive nature, so it is vital that the Translator deals with your translations with discretion and respect.

Here at Romo Translations we always go above and beyond to ensure that the information contained in your documents is accurately translated to the target language required. We operate a system that provides a complete non-disclosure to ensure your confidentiality and to give you a total peace of mind.

So if you are travelling to Korea for the Olympics, either as a participant or spectator, or indeed are simply going on a vacation, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss your translation requirements.  To contact us, please call 0845 262 0153.



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