Translators in London

Translators in London – A rich History

Monday 7 November, 2016

Translators in London have rich and colourful history. The translators themselves have helped show how, having a strong understanding of languages, can promote both business and social progress. This was particularly the case with The Linguists’ Club, founded in 1932 by Teddy Pilley. Teddy established the club with a clear motto: “Se comprendre, c'est la paix” (Mutual understanding is peace), with a single yet defining rule, there was to be no conversations regarding politics, religion or sex. The club was purely for the advancement of peace and understanding through language. The club was a social environment that engaged in a wide range of activities from chess to dancing and from films to overseas travel. It was all intended to support the learning of languages and harbour mutual respect and understanding.

Translators in London – A new way of sharing experience?

With the strongly defined ideology of The Linguists’ Club, the question has to be raised; would now be a good time to reinvent the club and help to spread social, cultural and professional advancement? In our previous article; “London – The City with 300 Languages”, it could be argued that with so many languages now being spoken in London alone, translators in London could once again benefit from such a club.

Environment where Translators can innovate

Professional translators in London will have many experiences that could enrich the industry and help foster new ideas and innovations. Through collaborative working and social networking, along with progression in technology, the translation industry can share their ideas to maintain its innovative and forward thinking approach that will help to meet the challenges of an ever changing language landscape. It is possible that a reinvented Linguists’ club could provide the ideal environment for such advancement.

Socialising with Translators in London

London’s vibrancy and diversity provides the perfect environment for translators in London to socialise. There are a wide range of social activities and events that could also be organised in much the same way that the original linguistics club, which can help to further cultural and business exchanges within a more relaxed and friendly environment.

There seems so many benefits incorporating the linguistics’ clubs ideology into a modern equivalent so we would love to hear from you letting us know your thoughts and opinions about the Linguists’ Club. You can contact us via email or call us on 0203 696 8680. 

0203 696 8680

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