Translators and Interpretors

Getting the best from your translator

How to get the best from your Translators and Interpreters

Wednesday 7 October, 2015

Ensuring you source the most accurate and professional translation or interpreter services is a vital step to support your communication and can affect how your company brands are perceived within your target market. Understanding and correctly communicating across cultural and language differences form a key part of your communication strategy and ultimately will have an effect on your company’s profits and credibility.

Here we have provided some useful pointers to help support you during your translation or interpreting needs, which ultimately can save you both time and money on costly revisions.


·        Ensuring the source document you need translating is complete, clear and accurate is an important factor prior to starting the translation process. Avoiding any colloquialisms, culturally specific abbreviations and idioms will help to maintain clarity for the document, ease of translation and helps to prevent costly amendments.


·        Using our native speakers for the language the documents needs translating into helps to ensure any nuances are accurately translated and ensures the final translation will be culturally appropriate.


·        Understanding and specialising in the subject matter and the sector in which your company operates is important, particularly when dealing with medical, scientific or technical detail. Our translators are specially selected to a these skills sets are available to you.


·        Understanding the difference between interpreters and translators before commencing with work is vital.  Interpreters will deal with the spoken word and are important for face to face meetings and interviews.  Translators deal with the written documents so are skilled at translating your documentation.


  • Our ATC accreditation highlights our commitment to providing high quality, accurate and professional translation and interpreting services across the world. In addition, we can provide client testimonials from a range of satisfied clients to support our work. These are available upon request.

·        Avoiding the cheaper option of calling upon family, friends or members of your work team to translate for you is not recommended. Although they may be able to speak the language, the ability to accurately translate is a defined skill that only a trained translator will have.


·        Online translation tools may be useful for checking individual words and phrases when you have enquiries in different languages, but beware as they are often unreliable. Incorrectly translated documents, particularly those for outward bound communications can seriously damage the credibility of your company, its services and brand.


·        Proof reading is a worthwhile investment to ensure that all documentation is correct in every detail. We offer this as part of our service to you and is included in our quotes, giving you peace of mind that you will always receive the most accurate translations available.


We hope you find these tips to be of help and if you have any specific translation or interpreting requirements you would like to discuss, we would love to hear from you.

0203 696 8680

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